As we approach maturity of age, status and influence in various aspect of man’s life, one of the greatest desire of man as being to have a blissful and a happy marriage; but little have we come to realized that there is a price to be paid for anything our soul so desire. As man journey from one generation to another generation, the bedrock of every generation is divinely and secretly built on marriage and the product of every marriage is the choice of the both parties who make up the marriage. Unfortunately we are living in one of those hinged times in history--one of those incredible transitional moments where the whole process and context of societal change is raising more fundamental issues than any previous generation ever had to face. It is like we are on a great expressway where issues, events, people, truths and lies are being spread along. As we believers in the Lord Jesus Christ engaged this dominant mass culture; it is easy just to get on the entrance ramp to this great expressway of confusion and been swept along so quickly that we forget to ask the most important question of life. We fail to look at things as God would have His people to see them.
There has never been a generation whose general view on marriage is high enough. The chasm between the biblical version of marriage and the common human version is now, and has always being gargantuan. Some cultures in history respect the importance and the permanence of marriage more than others. Some like ours, have such low, casual, take-it-or-leave-it attitudes toward marriage as to make the biblical version seem ludicrous to most people.
For the devil to deal with any Nation or society he must firstly target the marriage. A wounded marriage will always give birth to a wounded Society and a wounded Society is capable of putting the entire nation into captivity.
Until we begin to see marriage from the Institutional theory and concept of the nature of God; marriages will continue to experience all form of contradiction against the bedrock in which it is created by the maker. Unfortunately the concepts of this blissful institution as being abuse, disvalue, depreciated and lose his precious magnificent glory; therefore it will demand a collective ministerial effort of the true gospel of the word to restore the divine dignity of marriage on earth, without which the agenda of humanity on earth might be jeopardizes.
This book is written under the divine inspiration and knowledge of God Almighty to provide a practical reality concept about marriage; which will definitely be of great benefit to the married and to the yet-to-married; knowledge is power, and the application of the acquired knowledge is wisdom.
Currently available on PDF only.