Hustling ground and money makers



    Everybody knows money is a currency used in different countries for business purposes.But, what is it about money that drives everybody crazy?

     Money to some people is the root of all evil, to others it is the ruler of the world and while to average persons, it is the key to opening any door of heart desires.

      However, it is used to settle issues, pay bills and do one thing or the other for the benefit of the family and children. Money can be seen as what people worship, because it enslaves the poor to be controlled by the rich and wealthy people and also turns them into running any kind of errends as far as money is involved.

      Money has become more than a disaster in every home and city today thereby causing different abominable act of young teenagers sleeping with men old enough to be their father and breaking peaceful homes where love existed between couples.

      A lot of persons has ventured into one crime or the other to have a taste of quick money, but the most painful part is ritual killings involving friends and families to carry out quick riches and fame.

     Ritual killings is not new to the evil game of making money as it was played by the advanced men and women that has later turned to what teenagers, youths and even children do this days to make money without knowing the implications.

      Many have used their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and even friends for money rituals to live a life of luxury, buying houses, cars and marrying women of any kind so long as there is money to throw around.

      Large numbers of young girls have also been used for ritual purposes as they don't want to start small with hardworking young men who is still struggling to become great in the future. They just want to mingle with the rich and wealthy in the society and make money or even still get married to them, but unfortunately are used for money ritual purposes.

     My question now is :