You’ll find the Sealed Special Sauce

There are many cheap Lost Ark Gold for sale on P2Pah from trusted and verified sellers, P2Pah has won the recognition of users for its high-quality service and security over the years, so you can buy Lost Ark Gold with confidence. If you happen to have the Lost Ark Gold you want right now,


Once you’ve bought some, alt-right-click them Lost Ark Gold in your inventory (you can do 30 at a time) to get one of three results – a Questionable, Broken, or Perfect Sugar Sculpture. When you manage to get a ‘Perfect’ one, right-click it to add it to your Adventurer’s Tome.

Secret Yeon-Style Marinated Special

Portal to the Around Yeon’s Barrier Triport in Rattan Hill and enter the dungeon to the east. Once inside, head north and then across the rooves to the Lotus Pavilion. Just south of here, you’ll come to an ornate circular stone floor with a golden pattern just before crossing a small bridge.

To the left of the bridge, on the rocks by the waterfall, is a large pot. Inside you’ll find the Sealed Special Sauce you need. Take it to Cook Sobin in Port City Changhun, along with 900 silver coins, to receive your Secret Yeon-Style Marinated Special.

Soup Of Transcendence

Travel to the Bleak Edge dungeon in Twilight Mists. Once inside, work your way north and then west until the quest text changes to, ‘Eliminate the group of Corpse Soldiers’. Instead of heading west, go east along the thin path as far as you can go. At the end, you’ll see some papers Lost Ark Gold buy on the floor. Investigate them to discover the Legendary Secret Recipe.