Complete Steel Armour Made Me Addicted to Runescape

Complete Steel Armour Made Me Addicted to Runescape



I recall the very first time I played, my older brother had revealed me OSRS Gold  and I was finished with the semester I asked him where I moved on to conserve lol. An internet game and I had never played before and I'm still here. I also have fond memories of creating level 3-25 and buddies from school battle f2p pures. We never made any money and needed an infinite cycle of chopping magic trees and fishing on our members accounts to fund these f2p accounts. Been playing because rsc. Perhaps a month later rs2 released, bought my first rune 2h, price about 100k back in the afternoon. Logged in late presumed to be in bed. Went pking in varrock world, lvl 3. Didn't shield prayer. Died. Cried. Logged off.

I lost my full iron near varrock to the wizards. Because I spent a long time battling goblins to earn the money for iron that was full, I instantly moved back to Lumbridge. I was fearful of losing any of my items into an enemy stronger than me, so I did not depart Lumbridge until I obtained foundation 45 melee stats. All from giant rats behind Lumbridge castle and goblins, using an iron scimmy and iron. I saw a platebody at the general shop and I thought that was the nuts, so I went to kill goblins to get 1k gp to purchase it. Then I expired to goblins, and believed losing the starter installment was huge so I just made a completely new account. This happened two times soon in the same afternoon as I died to an aggresive giant rat and a damn tree in draynor manor. Never got that shameful platebody.

First time playing after my friends helped me make the acc. Had no idea in which anyplace was but ended up in what I later discovered to be draynor manor. Unexpectedly roots and trees start attacking me. I start panicking looking for the way out of the god forsaken place, eventually I see the departure, but my hp is at 1. Boom gets smacked on the 1 from the exit like 10 squares. Spent another 10 minutes trying to purchase"matches" since I lost my tinderbox and didnt understand what it was called. Before that week I'd seen a movie of the swan song pursuit and I thought it was the sea troll tentacles assault me from the ground in draynor manor for some purpose because theyre both green.

For days using complete steel armour made me addicted to RuneScape. My friend gave me full steel set thats why I opted to keep playing in order to have the ability to smith it one day like him. You had to go to varrock bank and see thousand of people chat spamming selling things and attempt to find a fantastic thing. As soon as I became associate having monster dagger p++ and spamming its special attack feels just like god mode. Then I was addicted to simple clue scroll and performing barrow. Those were the hehe. Buy RS 2007 Gold from with good service and fast delivery.