Translate   4 years ago

Olivia walk towards the door, she's very

A moment later.

Olivia is hugging her mother and Mary is
speaking with Ben.

A moment later.

Olivia is hugging her mother and Mary is
speaking with Ben.

Olivia's parents thanked Mary and they left with their daughter.

Two hours later.

Ben * Olivia.

Olivia ** yes?

Ben ** don't run away from your family.

Rachel ** this is your home Olivia.

Ben** We love you and we dont want anything to happen to you.

Rachel ** you are very precious to us Olivia.

Ben** i know your sisters sometimes

Olivia ** its my fault and 'm sorry.

Rachel ** what are you talking about?

Olivia ** maya is sick because of me.

Rachel ** maya is fine, she's recovering.

Ben ** don't blame yourself, she asked for it.

Rachel ** husband!

Ben** what ?

Rachel ** don't say that, she's her elder sister.

Ben** she should have thought of that before bully Olivia

Olivia ** enough!

Ben** huh?

Olivia ** i was wrong, mother is right.

Ben* you were defending yourself.

Olivia ** father please!

Rachel ** your sisters are annoying but you must respect them no matter what!

Olivia ** i understand mother, will apologise to maya.

Rachel ** good girl, go and rest in your room.

Olivia ** ok .

Rachel ** don't encourage her to fight her

Ben* i wasn't encouraging her Rachel, i have had enough of matys and Maya's nonsense!