Translate   4 years ago

Trade in Twitter and Facebook for and earn their token upon posting

Belacam is a new social networking site that works on blockchain technology, but what distinguishes this site is that it enables users to get paid to create and share content that others enjoy.

Each liked tip averages $ 0.03 - $ 0.10, so every like you get means that someone else is enjoying your photo. When you like someone else, you accept them to share their content as well. It is an economy based on social interactions.

Whether motivated by goodwill, sincere enjoyment, or some economic benefit that we offer to people who like it, more than $ 10,000 has been passed around the site to its creators. This raised the number of users to more than 56 thousand users and 250,000 likes in the first 3 months of operation only.

I Hope u following m'y profil
M'y username is :. footballnews